When selecting which facial to have, there are a few things to consider. Any Facial should improve your skins health, however some facials are considered more relaxing than others. For example, our ESPA facials are totally relaxing, using hand massage techniques and 95.5% all natural products which are marine plant and mineral based and mostly vegan too.
Machine based facials which boast that they are result driven, to some may not be so relaxing. Caci facials will tone & tighten your facial muscles and lift sagging skin while Environ facials push vitamins and peptides down into the lower levels of the skin. Both of these systems require a state of the art facial machine to achieve their results.
Before you book, consider what you want to get out of your treatment, also how you find your skin. Is it dry or is it in need of some radiance?
Ask the receptionist to help you decide which facial is right for you when you book so that your experience is tailored to your needs.